Office of Institutional Effectiveness
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) provides leadership and assistance with strategic planning, academic program development, accreditation, assessment, research and decision-making support and other continuous improvement processes that contribute to the advancement of student learning and the fulfillment of the University’s mission.
Quick links
- Consumer Information/HEOA
- Institutional profile
- Fast facts
- Survey Monkey FAQ for doctoral students
- Survey Monkey FAQ for master’s students
All requests for institutional research data should be submitted through the Institutional Effectiveness Request Form.*
* When submitting, please keep in mind that most requests take about two weeks.
If you have a priority request (e.g., accrediting body), make sure to indicate this on the form. You may also contact the Director of the OIE, Kristy Huntley, at 5burcbuuqr8andkmejoe09t1ha.56cuz1teoxznrrp3dd76o7c1ovgpoqk4ieshteqngf1f7ipdzx4f2aiw3vqkr0hmv3pbyta6jc@k5p2omhyoj6ubre0fgo8clmckw9mthq59j4jnq8kw5uukzuophhqmmsjbk. Thank you for your understanding as we manage the request queue.